

“Both abundance and lack [of abundance] exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend." - Sarah Ban Breathnach

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Color My World

Inspired by a change on my writing blog, I decided I needed more color in my life.  So, I changed my blog background.  I love the beach, so it's no surprise that I went with that theme.  I like the color change.

As you probably have guessed, I haven't been doing well lately.  Not unexpected.  I'm recuperating pretty well, though, and I'll be back to blogging soon.

Changing the background wiped out my blogroll, so if I missed anyone on my sidebar, put it down to brain fog and remind me. =)


Lori P said...

Hey, I like it! It's cheerful and summery. I'll give you a little head's up . Next time copy and paste your blogroll to textedit or word. It will save the links.

Have a great week, Shelli!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, me likey! As for me, I am still wondering if I am showing up yet in people's dashboards. Needy for readers/comments! :-}

Blue-green Damselfly said...


Glad you are on the mend.

Pamela said...

I like it - very cherry! Hope you are feeling better soon :) (((hugs)))

Renee said...

This is certainly summer-like! For me I would have to say it is hard to read the light pink and bothers my eyes...must be a Lyme thing!
You are giving me incentive to change my blog templates to a summer background too! If I cannot change my house around...I can at least change my blog "house"!!

Unknown said...

Glad you are recuperating well, Shelli. Hope you're feeling well soon!

I'm loving the beach background, as well (I'm a big fan of the beach), but I also seem to be having a problem with the light pink. It's hurting my eyes a bit.

Anonymous said...

What do you think about this comment from UA??

Shelli said...

Hey, I'm willing to participate. Or at least check it out. Anyone else want to participate, go ahead, too.

Renee and Forgetful Girl -- I appreciate your comments on readability. It's the number one thing I look for in a blog background, cuz I hate it when I can't read someone's blog. I changed the background ... again! and I even like this one better. Hope it helps! =)

Unknown said...

I just came back on your site to see if you got my comment after being on an all white background site. Let's just say your site is now a site to on when I need to rest my eyes- it's so relaxing!

Loving the image!

d said...

Wow! Whenever I need a jolt of color, I'm coming here. Love, love, love it!

I hope you are back on your feet soon. Been missing you!

Anonymous said...

I do love the color and background! Now we all will be changing our blog backrounds! The peachy color is perfect.

Hope you continue to feel better everyday.


Annie said...

I like it! It's fun and festive.

Hope you are feeling well Shelli!!
