

“Both abundance and lack [of abundance] exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend." - Sarah Ban Breathnach

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Better Than Expected

Tuesday was a Very Big Day.  I thought I had it all planned out.  Parent/teacher conferences for four of my kids.  I went to the boys' conferences first.  They were back to back, one at 1 pm, the other twenty minutes later.  Less than an hour total, not bad.  A little more walking around than I'm used to -- it's a pretty big campus for an elementary school, and parking was atrocious.  Still, I felt pretty proud of myself for weathering it well.  I took a long, deeply relaxed rest.  Geared up for the evening conferences.

I thought I would be able to finish in an hour.  I was so sorely mistaken.  Lines were backed up to see each teacher, and it dragged on for two hours.  I came home exhausted, wiped out, fearful, and angry.  I hate what CFS does to me sometimes.  I was just trying to be a good mom.  I wouldn't have put myself through that if there weren't important issues to discuss.

I went to bed, tossed and turned for about an hour, and finally drifted off to sleep.

I felt the effects immediately the next day.  Good news?  I didn't dare hope.  I defiantly recuperated.  I didn't stretch or yoga or make my bed or do laundry.  I read books, played on the computer, and watched TV.  I rested a little more than usual.  My afternoon rest was deep, to the bones.

The next day, I could still feel the effects, but not quite as bad.  Hm.  Still, I forced myself to do nothing.  Except I think I made my bed.  Yesterday, I could tell I was doing better.  I made my bed and added a load of laundry.  And today?  I've already made my bed, started a load of laundry, and I'm contemplating folding the two baskets of clothes that have been neglected for a week.  Plus, I had enough energy to boss the kids around and have them tidy the house.  My front room is ready for a little decorating.  I think I need to find the animated haunted house I've kept in storage.

I so worried that this would be a big event, one that would kick my sorry butt back to square one.  Instead, it seems like I'm having a very normal post-exertional malaise reaction.  Bouncing back to baseline already.  Whew.  I'll let go of some of that anger now. 

Still waiting on test results.  VIP Dx says it takes five weeks to get results back.  Five freaking weeks.  I guess if I've waited four years, I can wait another five weeks, eh?


Renee said...

So glad you recovered so well, Shelli...that is GOOD news!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, the dreaded parent-teacher conferences! We pwc's have double the reason to dread them than all the other parents! I remember how awful it felt "faking normal health" at those things so the teachers wouldn't think I was a bad parent! Ugh. Glad those days are gone for me! Good work, Shelli mom!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I could handle parent-teacher conferences. On the other hand, I'm glad you had an 'normal' recovery! :-)

me/cfs warrior said...

I'm so impressed that you made it through the parent-teacher conferences and then rested.

That's great that you didn't have that wired-tired feeling afterwards.

Waiting for xmrv results is tough! I'm still waiting one year after getting tested (but it was a study and the samples were misplaced).

Sue Jackson said...

Hi, Shelli -

Sorry I haven't been around much - feeling overwhelmed and over-extended. Good for you for making it to all 4 teacher conferences!! I had to miss Craig's open house this week - 2 hours of walking through crowded hallways and attending various classes? No way!

How wonderful that you recovered so easily this time. I'm happy for you!


Ali said...

Hi Shelli - I am happy to see your blog and that you are doing all you can to live WELL while suffering physically. I also have a lot of physical issues including swelling around my heart, IC, endo and some other stuff that we haven't figured out yet ... I just started a blog this year on the same topic and hope that all of us can encourage each other in this struggle! Check out my blog if you like: