

“Both abundance and lack [of abundance] exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend." - Sarah Ban Breathnach

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Missed It

How ironic is it that I was having such a bad CFS day that I couldn't post for MECFS Awareness Day?


Alison said...

Sorry you were having a bad day. I was having one too and couldn't post either, but I did e-mail a few people I know about it and a friend really came through for me.

Renee said...

So sorry you have not been feeling well! Next year, year!

Sue Jackson said...

Yes, ironic, but unfortunately, not so uncommon.

I've had a bad week, too, and mostly copied last year's post for Awareness Day.

Hope you're doing better today, Shelli.


hiddenlives said...

Oops, me too. I hope this finds you feeling at least a little better.

I just knew there was something about the 12th I was forgetting...

Lori P said...

Aw... I'm sorry you feel bad. Hope things look up soon. For the record, I missed it too. :)

Pamela said...

Yes, but completely normal! We understand!!! I hope you feel better soon ... :) (((hugs)))

Blue-green Damselfly said...

It's not too late! Send in a post when you are feeling better. It's a nightmare trying to make energy coincide with stuff we want to do. Take care, hope it passes soon :-)

Annie said...

Aww, I'm sorry you were so sick Shelli, I hope you are doing better now!

Shelli said...

Thank you, everyone! Of course, I knew you would understand. ;) Yes, I'm facing a bad month with too much going on, and I don't expect to "bounce back" right away. The funny thing is, what really did me in was a massage. A massage! It was supposed to be helpful (and it was, it just drained every ounce of energy from my body, that's all). I did get the virtual lobby e-mail out to all my friends today, and I put the link on Facebook. If I don't post until June, know that I'm resting up, incubating, trying to heal a bit.

Anonymous said...

Shelli ~

But thanks for posting THIS! I want to become more disciplined to blog, and I want to build my Follower base!

Oh, as I've commented all over the place: please check out the Let Your Voice Be Heard Through Virtual Lobby Day 2010 link I posted at my Blog!


Dominique said...

Hey Shelli - I don't know if you are like me but I have to limit my massages to 1 hour or less. Other wise it is too much. And ... I am wiped the first day and then I get a little energy.

I do remember it took me like a month of getting massages 2 times a week to start seeing a quicker. response. By then my body was used to it and I started recovering faster.

I hope you start feeling better soon!

Shelli said...

Thanks, Judy -- that's the link I've sent out everywhere, too. I hope a few people will take a couple of minutes to help.

Dominique -- yes, the massage went over an hour. She was late, so she thought she would make up for it by adding an extra ten minutes. So thoughtful, but I was dying at the end of it! I think I may even limit it to 50 minutes and have her skip my legs completely. I need those to walk!